The YES program is part of a provide-wide initiative called Mental Health Capacity Building in Schools. It provides programs and activities to build resiliency skills in children and youth, and to support them to stay in school and succeed. YES Success Coaches work directly with students, creating social and recreational opportunities. This might include targeted group work, coordinating activities and resources with community agencies, or designing programs that encourage positive self-esteem, confidence and coping skills. YES Success Coaches provide classroom based universal mental health curriculum to promote awareness of mental health protective factors and enhance social and emotional development.
The program is provided by Alberta Health Services and Mental Health, in partnership with Alberta Education and numerous community agencies and partners. It is available year-round in Chinook’s Edge schools from Kindergarten through Grade 8.
At Penhold Elementary School, Miss Kiera is our YES Success Coach. She offers lunchtime, after school and no school Friday programming geared to supporting kids in capacity building through fun activities like Harry Potter themed clubs, Disney clubs, games and much more.